Analysis ANALYSIS: What are the political implications of the lifting of the Temple Mount prayer restriction? by Charles Cameron - 13th May 2015 THREE faiths consider the Temple Mount sacred, but members of only one are permitted to pray there, observes CHARLES CAMERON Read more about ANALYSIS: What are the political implications of the lifting of the Temple Mount prayer restriction? ANALYSIS: ISIS and the use of violence by David Knowles - 8th May 2015 ISLAMIC State violence is not simple barbarism, it is a calculated propaganda tool for terrorising those under IS control while inspiring possible recruits Read more about ANALYSIS: ISIS and the use of violence ANALYSIS: Modi and minorities - an appraisal by Slok Gyawali - 3rd April 2015 THE first year of Narendra Modi’s rule has been challenging for minority groups, particularly Christians and Muslims Read more about ANALYSIS: Modi and minorities - an appraisal ANALYSIS: Faith and the General Election: how influential is the religious vote? by Marc Shoffman - 1st April 2015 IN what is set to be the closest election in decades, religion represents a key battleground in the scramble for votes. Read more about ANALYSIS: Faith and the General Election: how influential is the religious vote? ANALYSIS: Water shortages and violence in the Middle East by Charles Cameron - 27th March 2015 RAPID depletion of water supplies will impact the national security of states involved in the battle with IS and other terrorists Read more about ANALYSIS: Water shortages and violence in the Middle East Pages« ‹ … 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 … › »