News Focus

ANALYSIS Paris attacks were not 'nihilism' but sacred strategy

by - 16th November 2015

British commentator Janet Daley's piece in The Telegraph stands for everything woeful about the European elites' response to Islamic jihad. It is a triumph of religious illiteracy.

ANALYSIS: When does a mosque stop being a church - or museum?

by - 4th November 2015

HISTORY is snapping at the heels of interfaith relations in both Turkey and Spain, reports CHARLES CAMERON

First peace studies programme in the Arab world gets off to tentative start

by - 28th October 2015

AS THE THIRD intifada escalates, visas to study nonviolence in Palestine are still a tricky issue, staff and students tell Lapido

'No one has a right not to be offended’ says ECHR Chair.

by - 26th October 2015

CHAIR of Equality and Human Rights Commission argues for greater religious literacy at the annual Theos lecture
