
A Wild Constraint: The Case for Chastity

‘An elegant gem of a book . . . a Christian feminist polemic’ more »

Read a review in the Catholic Herald.

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ISBN: 0826487122

Christianity or Occult?

As cases of kindoki or ‘child witch’ abuse re-surface in Britain, a new downloadable report brings together material by leading African and English scholars from a recent symposium that throws light on some of the allegations.

A DVD of the event, which includes all the presentations, is available price £10 from Sola Kujore

Faith and Power

In the aftermath of the London suicide bombings, the re-issue of this prophetic book, first published in 1998, critiquing the inadequate response of the 'secular' state and the Christian church to political Islam is timely.

Faith and Power: Christianity and Islam in Secular Britain By L. Newbigin, L. Sanneh and J. Taylor. SPCK, 2006. With a new post-July 7 introduction by Lamin Sanneh.

ISBN: 1-597522-228-7

Round Table

The war in Northern Uganda is both rooted in religion, and reinforced by spiritual powers. The failure of International agencies to take these facts seriously prolonged the war with devastating consequences, and prompted a unique response from Britain's churches. Jenny Taylor reports.

The Round Table - Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs
'Taking Spirituality Seriously: Northern Uganda and Britain's "Break the Silence" Campaign',
Vol. 94.382, October 2005, pp. 559 - 574.

ISSN: 0035-8533

Predicting Religion

Religious bodies - usually through key individuals - have had considerable direct political influence over the last twenty years, contrary to some sociological theorists.

This chapter, based on a paper given to the British Sociological Association Study of Religion group provides the evidence.

Predicting Religion (eds. G. Davie, P. Heelas, L. Woodhead) Publ. Ashgate, 2003 'After Secularism: British Government and the Inner Cities' pp. 120 - 134.

ISBN: 0754630102
