Jenny Taylor

An Abyssinian moment in the Chiltern Hills

by - 17th December 2014

HIGH WYCOMBE is turning into a horror movie with news today of the arrest of yet another alleged terrorist.  But JENNY TAYLOR who was given unprecedented access to a remarkable interfaith initiative there, finds the town surprisingly sanguine.

Sand not just mud: 100 years on we remember . . . the wrong war?

by - 7th November 2014

CAUGHT between the Jews yearning for a homeland, and Arabs yearning to restore the caliphate to Mecca, Britain played a decisive role that is returning to haunt us.

Religious illiteracy is now toxic

by - 9th October 2014

This blog was written for the Public Spirit collection on responses to the Commission on Religion and Belief in British Public Life: Community, Diversity and the Common Good and is set to appear in October, 2015.

Is the so-called Islamic State Islamic?

by - 3rd September 2014

A debate has raged on this website among scholars on whether the 'essence' of Islam is what gives rise to the sickening violence in Syria and Iraq, degrading all our lives and politics.

Yet when experts cannot agree, it is little wonder how unconvincing Barack Obama and other leaders sound when they declare definitively that the so-called IS 'speaks for no religion', and in reference to the beheading of journalist James Foley, 'no just God would stand for what they did yesterday ...'
