Jenny Taylor

The religion taboo

by - 19th February 2014

DR JENNY TAYLOR argues in the latest issue of Case magazine that journalists are gradually beginning to 'get religion' despite the 'religion taboo'.

‘This report would not have saved Lee Rigby’

by - 4th February 2014

HENRY JACKSON SOCIETY REPORT is 'part of worldwide movement to "save Islam" from its own extremes’

CAR: Brave reporting marred by misuse of religious categories

by - 15th January 2014

Once again, a fearless and graphic report by a top BBC world affairs correspondent is otherwise marred by a casual grasp of religion.

What Mandela's sacred commitment to freedom can teach Islam

by - 17th December 2013

THERE IS MORE than an journalistically opportunist link between Mandela's death and the recent nomination for Secularist of the Year to a Muslim organization one of whose founding members is Lapido Trustee Ghayasuddin Siddiqui - but you'll have to read to the end to find it.

Ghayas and I are involved in an ever-fascinating on-going conversation. 

The end of the secular era

by - 30th October 2013

THE RELIGION gravy-train is beginning to roll.
