Vishal Arora

MALDIVES: Cleric calls for FGM on Islamic grounds

by - 12th March 2014

FIQH ACADEMY seeks to revive barbaric practice in ugly trade-off with Saudi Arabia.

Maldives Home Minister remains ‘firm’ on death penalty

by - 26th February 2014

POLITICISATION of religion could be behind move to reinforce hudud penalties as holiday destination reveals its dark side.

Modi invite is a cruel joke

by - 28th August 2013

Vishal AroraBRITISH parliamentarians who have issued an in-principle invitation to India’s Hindu nationalist leader Narendra Modi to address the House of Commons appear wilfully ignorant of what is common knowledge about the politician’s ideology and practices.

Tibetan self-immolations on the rise as China's assimilation policy backfires spectacularly

by - 14th August 2013

Exiled Tibetan youth in India have regularly held peaceful ralliesSelf-immolation is the strongest possible refusal of subjugation.’ We report on the latest in an agonising trend that is proving catastrophic for Beijing’s international reputation.

Responses to gang-rape expose India’s spiritual bankruptcy

by - 9th January 2013

Men participants of an RSS rally in Gujarat state. Photo: Vishal AroraFor India’s masses, the inhuman gang-rape of a 23-year-old woman in Delhi was apparently a call for better enforcement of law and order.
